5 Effective Social Media Post Ideas for Gyms

Written by Kelli Pease | Jun 25, 2020 12:09:05 AM
Your gym probably has a Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram page, but do you have a thought-out social media strategy? If you’re a health club manager who wants to get more involved in the social media game, try starting by focusing on one thing: adding value to your followers. In other words, when your followers see your posts in their feed, do they get anything out of it? The value they receive can range from being entertained to getting inspired to finding out when the next Zumba class is. Here are a few creative ideas to help you provide more value to your customers when posting on your health club’s social media accounts:


1) Interesting Health & Fitness Facts & Tips

Posting health and fitness tips is one of my favorite ideas for sharing on your gym’s pages because they can be so useful to your followers. Where else can you teach hundreds of people valuable health and fitness information within 10 seconds?

If you need some ideas for the types of facts to post, fitness infographics are incredibly useful places to source this content. If you type into Pinterest “Fitness Infographic” or “Fitness Facts," hundreds of results will come up for you to choose from. Go through and pick out the ones that you find the most interesting and post them on your page with a photo to capture attention. Just be sure that the source you end up using is reputable so that you don’t provide incorrect facts.


                               (Photo Reference: bodystudio)


2) Group Fitness Schedule

Members and even potential members who are following you on social media are probably interested in what group fitness classes you have planned at your facility this week. Engage your followers with a simple update once a month letting them know what classes are happening and be sure to highlight what's new. Posting your schedule is a convenient way to tap into their FOMO (fear of missing out) and remind them why your gym is so great.


3) Inspirational Quotes

Sharing inspirational quotes about achieving your goals has become a “must have” for businesses in the fitness industry. Quotes are so useful on social media because they have the ability to inspire followers so much that they end up sharing the posts with their family and friends, thus growing your gym’s reach with one click. The key to success is to choose quotes that you don’t see everywhere. The more your quotes can stand out from the crowd, the better. Bonus points if you can come up with your own motivational mantras so that people come to you for something different!


4) Challenges

Does your gym run challenges for your members? If so, why not bring part of the challenge online? Before the challenge starts, share a daily countdown that goes all the way up until the start of the challenge and provide details about the prize and how to sign up. Then once the challenge gets going, post engaging photos of your members having fun and participating in the challenge. Posting about these events will just give you another way to bring more attention to them and make an even bigger splash.


5) Member Spotlights

Member spotlights are an excellent way to give kudos to members who have been crushing their goals at the gym, while also highlighting what makes your gym so great. Each month, plan on posting one member photo and a caption about why you chose that person. E3 Fitness does a great job of this (pictured below). These member spotlight posts are especially effective in raising awareness for your gym because there is a high likelihood that the member you feature will share the post on their own page to their family and friends, increasing the post's reach.


                                      (Photo Reference: E3 Fitness)



Bonus Idea: Gym Memes

Memes are funny images or videos that are spread rapidly throughout the internet. You’ve probably seen plenty of them over the past few years and maybe even shared a few with friends. Gym memes can make people laugh like nothing else can. Sprinkle in a few gym memes every now and then to keep things fun and fresh. See more funny gym memes in this post.


                                             (Photo Reference

Other social media ideas you might want to try include posting informational news related to specific facilities (construction, holiday hours, special events, etc.), healthy recipes, blog posts and a link to your guest pass.

Happy posting!

For more articles featuring social media ideas, click here.


P.S. Did you know? ClubConnect is now the number one resource for health clubs and gyms. We power the education and development for over 4,500 health clubs and growing. Learn more about how we help health club managers, directors and owners here.