Social Media Monday: What do you Share Most on Facebook?

Written by Kelli Pease | Jul 7, 2020 9:01:52 PM

Happy Monday! Today we're diving into one of my favorite social media platforms: Facebook. I wanted to know what types of posts health clubs are sharing on Facebook so I asked 9 clubs. Here’s what they had to say:

1. Riverside Health Club mostly posts photos. The one shown below showcases 8 men who recently competed in a club competition.


2. Riverton Health and Fitness Center also usually posts photos with text, including this one where they do a “Throwback Thursday” post. They share videos slightly less than photos followed by links.



3. Seacoast Kettlebell posts a mixture of videos and photos daily. They never post just text alone. The video below highlights one of their members who got into shape with them for her upcoming wedding. 



4. Four Seasons Health Club uses video in the majority of their posts, but photos are close second. In the video featured here, they include a clip from fitness instructor Cathe's "Steppin" Live! class.



5. My Fitness Studios focuses on posting photos. Below they feature a few dedicated personal training clients.



6. Barwis Methods uses video the most when posting on Facebook. Their videos posted reach 171% more unique accounts then our image posts do. This is a "#MiracleMonday" video where they featured client, Janelle who suffered a stroke last summer who has been training with them.



7. Seacoast Sports Clubs shares mainly photos on Facebook (like the one below featuring their yoga class) and adds that they focus a lot on Instagram stories and Boomerang videos on Instagram.



8. Koko Fit Club posts mostly images and videos and are "are refocusing to present thought leadership and expertise with Live!" Here they are showing a group Koko hiking adventure.



9. Hilton Head Health shares that they post more photos, but videos provide the best reach. Below they feature a great transformation by one of their members, Isabela.



What does your health club post the on Facebook the most? Let me know by emailing me at